Aino Nebel
aesthetics of transformation
The aesthetics of Aino Nebel’s art is aesthetics of coming into existence, of process of change, and of transformation. The material itself is the motive force of her work, the material’s essence being its theme. The handling of porcelain as sculptural medium makes appear the creative power of its various consistencies having a wide range from liquid to hard. The heat of the kiln, too, has an obvious effect, the objects are fired multiple times and sometimes overheated. Deformations are admissible and desirable. Failed objects, broken fragments and debris become embedded in new entities as layers of time. Aino Nebel’s work thrives on these production aesthetics. It seeks an expression beyond representation, narration or content. Fragments result in a structure, the empty spaces and gaps therein are significant. It is not the image that is important, but the figurative space that unfurls. The issue is a poetical and utopian space with open edges.