Alessa Joosten
On the cutting edge of fashion, art & design
Reduced – sensual, sculptural – two-dimensional, eye-catching –modest. Alessa Joosten’s jewellery is characterized by contrasts and ranges between fashion, design and art. It appeals to confident women because it radiates confidence itself through size, shape and colour. Its formal language is simple and reduced to the essentials. The aesthetic value of the jewellery is formed by the handling of the material and the construction itself instead of decorative elements. But „simple” doesn’t necessarily refer to a simple production. Designing and testing takes time, a number of models are formed until they result in the final prototype. The jewelry designer is interested in simple but extraordinary connection techniques as folding, bending, cutting or clipping. Art trends like minimalism or art deco are inspiring me as well as contemporary zeitgeist. Materials can also be a starting point for a new work. Alessa’s jewellery is simple but extraordinary. The extraordinary lies within the simplicity. Simple is extraordinary. Simple is different.