Ava Boemeke
aesthetics of imperfection
In the search of the interaction between design and art Ava Boemeke’s signalises her work as product designer. With the aid of an experimental and playful way of working, she is designing new concepts for a different awareness of things. Inspired by the use of forms and structures from nature and our everyday life, as well as her fascination for the imperfect, mortality and unobtrusive aesthetic she is creating her ideas.
MOK backback
H 43 cm x W 31 cm x D 12,5 cm, 12 liter
material: needle felt
MOK is a timeless seamless backpack. Characteristic is its form and the design reduced to the basics. In 2015 MOK was nominated for the State Award North-Rhine Westphalia.
Cloud armchair
H 78 x W 60 x D 45 cm
material: oak, spruce, natural resin, stain
The frame of a 70s armchair chair, which had been saved from a Bremen pub, was supplemented by a newly designed seat and backrest. These were bent and pickled by layer gluing before processing. The diluted stain was painstakingly applied, which makes the armchair to an unique piece.
Nord-Süd bookshelf
H 191,5 x W 43,5 x D 22,5 cm
material: oak, spruce, natural resin, gold leaf 23 carat
Symbiotically, the approximately 200-years old cabinet from Southern Germany and the shelf corpus merge into each other and form a finished object. The elaborate carvings in the doorstep are detailed and accurate witnesses of the time and make North-South to an unique piece. The gilded traces of use pay respect to the age of the cupboard and are a special detail of the entire design. The reduced design vocabulary of the shelf embodies the function and illustrates how the harmonious contrast can be formed from the old and the new.