Donat Fritschy
Donat Fritschy prefers to work with stone and wood. His sculptures often develop intuitively and processually. It is not uncommon that organic forms are created, inviting you to touch them. The hardness of the material contrasts with the feel of its polished surface – hard becomes soft. Larger works follow a concept and a structured execution, but also there is often a transformation thought in the background, for example with a stela whose surface gradually changes due to periodic wetting, or a stone roller that smoothes waves. Other works deal with pain, wounds and their healing, such as the sculpture „The Scream“ in the exhibition „Healing“.
Donat Fritschy, computer scientist and sculptor, born 1956, lives and works in Bern (Switzerland).
Wogen glätten / Smoothing the waves, 2008, Gneis Maggia, Stahl, Wasser / Granite Maggia, Steel, Water, 260 x 100 x 70 cm
Zeig mir Deine Wunden / Show me your wounds 2011, Marmor / Marble Cristallina 7 pieces, je / each 80-120 x 20 x 20 cm