Justyna Koeke
Princesses and Saints
Justyna Koeke is internationally renowned for her bold performances, in which she examines critically topics such as gentrification, church and age. In „Princesses and Saints“ she transforms childhood fantasies into wearable sculptures, as well as fashion shows in performances. As a child, the artist painted her heroines, princesses and saints, together with her sisters. She created a real collection of brightly colored outfits full of bizarre details. On the bodies of aged women the tailor-made fantasies awake to life. The collection „Princesses and Saints“ includes childish, frank drawings to photographs with the costumed models in front of their seniors residence to ebullient fashion shows. A humorous and at the same time critical approach to the context of childisch dreams and seniors reality. In our more and more aging society these questions always resonate. Justyna Koeke’s art exists at the interface between sculpture, performance and allusions to the fashion world. The artistic project was shown at the alternative Berlin Fashion Week Berlin.