kex spitzenkultur
lace accessories
kex are textile-jewels. The designer Anita Keckeis puts a great emphasis on their independence and autonomy from fashion trends while attracting self-confident and modern women. Every single scarf, collier and belt is produced in a limited edition of no more than 98 items. No mass product, no clearance sales – kex will keep its exclusiveness and timeless value. The stitched lace is manufactured after my hand-crafted designs in Vorarlberg, Austria. All kex accessories receive their finish in Berlin. Non-clichéd beauty, independence, intellectual flexibility and experimental creativity are main tenets of Anita Keckeis. Her goal beyond designing embroidery-lace and creating exclusive textile-jewels, is to cooperate with creative people across genres and borders, bringing together fashion, painting, music, modern dance, theater, film and literature.