Miriam Künzli
Don’t Even Think, New York © Miriam Künzli
No flower bed is good enough that you can’t build a carousel for children on it (Johannes XXIII). Amusement parks are a feast for our senses. We happily plunge into a playful and reflective illusionary world and let an artificial naturalness seduce and deceive us. Nothing is real, except our childlike joy and awe caused by obvious fake. The often breathtaking and also outrageous fantasy constructions and furnitures of the rides are a requirement and the stage for the ups and downs of our perception and emotions. This photo series focuses on the scenery and not human beings. Without the thunderous swoosh and chatter of scooters, without the screeching teens in the loops and the piercing screams during free fall, without having black licorice and pink cotton candy smudges all over faces of children, there is a dreary beauty and melancholic loneliness on the fairgrounds. A memory of the cheerful hilarity of our own childhood.