Ute Faber
The Berlin-based artist, Ute Faber, describes herself and her work as “city nomads”. She collects inspiration and found objects from urban and natural landscapes, and brings them together to create new objects with new stories. She is especially interested in the diversity of nature and the spectrum of its forms. Her colorful environment inspires her to design. Ute Faber says: “My work features the incorporation of collected treasures found in everyday life. In it, the objects go through an artistic metamorphosis and, with a new appearance, exert a new significance in the paintings and objects. The world of emotional clashes, the thrill of coexistence in relationships – these themes are the red thread throughout [my] work.”Her work, therefore, could be called autobiographical. Her shoe sculptures for instance, display how the everyday can be appropriated in sculptural art . With these pieces, she intensively concerns herself with the psychological exploitation of shoes in the widest sense: symbols of eroticism, devices of meaning, fantasy objects or mythical beings? It is only at a second glance that it becomes apparent that these works encompass a painful and yet ironic confrontation with power, wealth, success and eroticism. But in these pieces, the artist does not forsake what she loves herself: bright colors, glitter and whimsy.